English Lunch

Are you looking to speak English more often but don’t have the time and/or opportunity? Come to the Mensa (the dining room on the left, at the back/near the grand piano) for your lunch break on Tuesdays between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. for some casual chatting in English. Instructors from the Language Centre of the IKKS will be there to assist you and answer any questions you might have.

This is not a regular class, with work sheets, pens and paper: all you need is your voice and the desire to talk.

You don’t need to register if you want to participate or excuse yourself if you can’t make it, just join us for lunch and improve your English.

This offer is open to all employees of Mittweida university, so please bring your colleagues if they are interested as well.

You have further questions or need more information? Feel free to contact us any time.